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  • 答:保持积极的态度英语作文篇四 Attitude Towards Life Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldn't complain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but keeping a positive attitude should always be together with us. Nothing can defeat us if we are confident and diligent. Just as saying goes, Go


  • 答:Why is a positive attitude so important? Because it determines everything else in your life! Attitude isn’t just about whether or not you’re having a good or bad day. Attitude is more than that.It affects relationships and It affects careers. If there is anything you want to change in your world,change your attitude toward i

问:态度对人生的重要性 英语作文 不要太好?

  • 答:How to be a courteous student (怎样做一个文明的学生)We should listen to and respect my teachers all people around us.A courteous person always wears a smile.Also,we should follow the rules everywher...



  • 答:不要轻视任何东西,哪怕是一个小小的纸团. 我曾经看过这样一个故事,几位经过精挑细选的优秀应聘者,去老总的办公室面试.前面几个人对丢在地上的纸团视而不见,甚至还有人轻蔑的把纸团踢飞.然而最后一位应聘者弯腰将纸团捡了起来,扔进了垃圾箱.后来,他被聘用了. 不要忽视这些小小的动作,也许它会改变你一生的命运. 读过这样一则小故事:东汉有一少年名叫陈蕃,独居一室而龌龊不堪.其父之友薛勤批评他,问他为何不打扫干净来迎接宾客.他回答说:“大丈夫处世,当扫除天下,安事一屋?”薛勤当即反驳道:“一屋不扫,何以扫天下?” 仔细一想,陈蕃之所以不扫屋,无非是不屑而致.胸怀大志,欲“扫除天下”固然很可贵,然而一定要以不扫屋来作为“弃燕雀之小志,慕鸿鹄以高翔”的表现,我则未敢苟



  • 答:Our Studying Attitude Nowadays many people study without a right purpose. Many still think that studying and having good marks is for parents to be happy and so. That's why many pe

  • 答:Nowadays many people study without a right purpose. Many still think that studying and having good marks is for parents to be happy and so. That's why many people don't study, beca

  • 答:The Good Study Attitude Before I go to school, my mother tells me I should have a good attitude towards study, she says I will like to study and be a good student. I start to und


  • 答:乐观带来希望Optimism Brings Hope In this fast-paced modern society, life can be sometimes very stressful. One may get overwhelmed by what's going on. There may be a feeling of helplessn

  • 答:良好的心态和保持我的信心,迎接即将到来的RG。 Good shape and keep my confidence for the RG. 尤其是在较大的压力下保持良好的心态积极工作。 Especially, I have a good mentality to hard work under the greater pressure 精神紧张或多愁

问:A Pleasant State of Mind保持良好心境的重要性 写篇英语作文 150-200?


  • 答:It is necessary that we should keep a pleasant state of mind.As is known to all,it is when we have a pleasant state of mind that we are able to perform greatly.For instant,I did ba