
论文降重 独有的降重技术


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  • 答:touch up修改(润色)的意思 touch up the article

  • 答:revise the article



  • 答:如果有语法错误,就先改错,润色是建立在文法无误的基础上进行的。 个人认为论文能做到用词精确不累赘,语句流畅不冗长就很好了,举个例子,用very important就显得不老练,改成essential感觉立刻就不一样。像very, really这种可有可无的程度副词尽量少用。语句方面尽量避免老长老长的句子,那种写了3、4行还没点句号的句子,看着就晕。 推荐《中式英语之鉴》这本书,外国人写的,很透彻深入。


More specifically, the figure 1 illustrates that demand and supply curve for beers. As can be seen, we know each price has different quantity of demand and supply, and we can find a point at E which the quantity of supply equals demand, it is called market equilibrium. In other words, markets find the price to allocate efficiency.
According to the diagram, on one hand when the price of beer reach at 5£ which exceed the price they think and they cannot afford, therefore quantity of demand is zero, nobody wish to buy beer. On other hand, the producers see the price and glad to provide 160 bottles of beer to buyers, because the price also prevails over the price they want.
以上两段文章是通过:price demand supply
5 0 160
4 40 120
3 80 80
2 120 40
1 160 0

  • 答:More specifically, Figure 1 illustrates the demand and supply curve for beers. As can be seen, we know for each price, there is a quantity of demand and supply. We can find a point

  • 答:For example, figure 1 illustrates the supply and demand curve for beers. As you can see, the supply and demand is varied based on the price level. At point E, where the supply eq

  • 答:以下修改因未见原文,所以还不能说很全面,但语法差错还是不少。 More specifically, (the) figure 1 illustrates (that)the demand and supply curves for beers. (这里,1)图1的the没有必要,因为写明图1,已经是特定的,2)that也没有必要,因为后面不成句子,改用th

  • 答:To be more specific, the figure 1 illustrates the demand and supply curve for beers. As you can see, we know that each prices has different quantity of demand and supply. And we ca

  • 答:具体地说,如图1所示的需求和供给曲线的啤酒。可以看出,我们知道每个价格都有不同数量的需求和供给,我们可以找到一个在E点的数量,供应等于需求,这是所谓的市场均衡。换言之,市场发现价格分配效率。 根据示意图,一方面当啤酒的价格达到5 £超过该价格,他们认为,他们无法承受,因此数量的需求是零,没有人愿意购买啤酒。另一方面,生产者看到价格和高兴地提


  • 答:“毕业论文”用英文怎么说? Graduation thesis 毕业论文 用英语怎么说? Graduation thesis 期末论文用英语怎么说? 期末论文: Final paper 毕业论文用英语怎么说 一般用thesis 博士论文dissertation "结业论文" 用英语怎么说? 直接翻译的话就是graduation p亥per,平时我们也常用academic research paper. 论文里面英文翻译的论怎么翻译,比如论什么什么?这里的论怎么翻译?? Discussion on....或者Study on... 如


  • 答:是啊自己写肯定会很多错,还是找相关的公司修改好些,editsprings这样的就可以。


At present, China is faced with economic development and environmental pollution problems coexist, environmental accounting information has become a business continuity management, performance evaluation and investment decision-making process an important information. At the same time, public awareness of environmental protection as China's strength and its accession to the World Trade Organization, Chinese enterprises are also faced with similar to Western developed countries face environmental information disclosure of external pressure and environmental information needs. Because of China's traditional emphasis on accounting research recognition, measurement, such as accounting technology, and information disclosure for the research is lagging behind, this asymmetry in the structure of the system led to China's stock market, non-standardized information disclosure of listed companies, such as the issue of selective disclosure. Based on the above, this article will be disclosure of accounting information enterprise environment problems and countermeasures as a research theme, to be on China's disclosure of accounting information enterprise environment problems in a systematic research and problem-oriented solution, which both the Chinese economy can be sustainable development, or of China's accounting theory of innovation and perfection are of great significance. First of all, the paper introduces the concept of corporate environmental accounting and corporate environmental accounting information disclosure of the situation, followed by analysis of the current business environment of China's accounting information disclosed the existence of the problem, and finally to solve the business environment of China's accounting information Prix this problem.

  • 答:我来给你修改,不过要等等,我现在上班有点忙,完了帮你,怎么样?不过你的不是修改而是彻底再翻译,好像几乎每句话都不怎么对劲。语法错误、用词错误、上下结构错误、译文不对题错误,应有尽有啊,是不是机器翻译的啊? For the monment, with China faced with the problem that economic developm

  • 答:At present, China’s economic development is accompanied with environmental pollution problem, which makes environmental accounting information indispensable in enterprises’continuo

  • 答:At present, China’s economic development is coexist with the environmental pollution problems .Environmental accounting information has become an important information for business